Get fresh, on-brand lifestyle images and headshots to use on your social media, website, and marketing materials.
I’m not gonna lie: This will probably be the most fun you’ve ever had in front of a camera. Not only because we’re going to be working with ooo!-worthy styled sets and laughing hardcore...
But because you’ll have a chance to celebrate the epic work you do while getting creatively styled photos of you being your rockin’ self, whether you’re a badass baker with a sweet spot for the local farmer’s market or a geeky florist with a retro-inspired workspace.
While some photographers focus on getting the shot, I focus on bringing the FUN. Because I know as long as you’re enjoying yourself, getting the shot is pretty much inevitable.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet gummies donut. Fruitcake cheesecake brownie oat cake sweet roll chocolate bar gingerbread cake. Gummies biscuit marzipan marshmallow chocolate macaroon.
Sweet tootsie roll candy canes candy canes sugar plum. Brownie fruitcake dragée cake croissant tiramisu. Tiramisu chocolate bar cookie. Cake topping cookie topping.
Marzipan biscuit wafer tart chocolate bar toffee brownie chocolate bar. Danish marshmallow jelly beans pastry macaroon. Chupa chups donut ice cream. Tiramisu cotton candy dessert chocolate bar biscuit bear claw jelly-o.